
Weekly classes, weekends, Seminars, soundsessions & concerts

Yoga,Level 1:
Every Tuesday from 19.30pm till 21.00pm (group 1) or Wedsnesday  from 9.30am till 11.00am (group 2).
For students who are relatively new to our Yoga method and don't do self practice at home. See the calendar below for the exact dates. Find out about the price here.
Yoga,Level 2:
Every Wednesday from 19.00pm till 21.00pm and Saturday from 8.00am till 10.00am.
For students who have done at least one intensive Yoga weekend and do self practice at home. See the calendar below for the exact dates. Find out about the price here.
Restorative Yoga:
Every Tuesday from 9.30am till 10.45am.
Mainly aimed at 65+ but also people who are "restoring" are welcome. See the calendar below for the exact dates. Find out about the price here.
Aum Choir meditation:
More info soon
Open meditation:
Every Friday evening between 19h and 20h there's a group meditation in the hall. This is not a meditation class. It's open for everyone and every form of meditation or prayer (but in silence). The meditation starts at 19h sharp so please be on time. After the meditation there's tea. The price, free contribution but please let us know if you would like to join. You can find the exact dates below.
Presence Process Group:
An 12-week program that starts on Monday, February 23, from 19h till 21h (except for the 5th week will be on Saturday from 19h till 21h).
"The Presence Process" is a book by Michael Brown. It’s a powerful 10 weeks program that’s designed to be done on your own, accompanied by the book. But not everyone finds it easy to do solo. That’s why we decided to organize this program to offer support in this process. Over 12 weeks, we will gather once a week to support you on your journey. Our gatherings are not about explaining the book—it speaks for itself. Instead, you are invited to share your experiences and engage in transformational breathing sessions to help you stay on track with your practice. There are only 6 spots available.
See the calendar below for the exact dates. Find out about the price here..
Breathing circles:
Usually every 4th Thursday of each month. We start at 19.30h and end at around 22h.
For people who are accustomed to the Transformational Breath® technique and have done at least 4 individual sessions already. First we set our intention and then we do a breathing session together. See the calendar below for the exact dates. Find out about the price here.
Breath Discovery Days:
Sundays February 23, March 30 and May 25
For everyone interested in discovering the power of the breath.
Find out more about dates and prices  here.
Transformational Breath® Seminars
March 3rd till March 9th 2025
June 15th till June 21st 2025
October 6th till October 12th 2025
A week of deep transformation through the breath. Led by Indalecia Rohita Ziritt, Senior trainer in Transformational Breath®. Find out more here.
Transformational Breath® Trainings
Level IVA: April 7th till April 14th 2025
Level IVB: November 10th till November 17th 2025

For those who feel the call to the professional training, we organise Levels IVA and IVB with Indalecia Rohita Ziritt. Find out more